CV writing and Cover Letter

//CV writing and Cover Letter
CV writing and Cover Letter 2017-02-15T16:59:25+00:00

Why do you need a CV writing service in English?

Do you need to translate your Curriculum Vitae in professional English? Do you know what is the right structure and the content you need to include in your professional profile? Producing an effective Curriculum Vitae is essential to make a recruiter/head-hunter to contact you .It is advisable to adapt it to the model used for the native candidates in that country. If you think sending a literal translation of your Spanish CV or using the Europass CV model to target all types of companies abroad, you need to think again. What are your key competences, your skills and your professional accomplishments? Have you analyzed your professional/personal background and included enough key words?

Curriculum Vitae Writing Services

How can Cover Letter help you?

Cover Letters add real value when presenting your Curriculum Vitae. Some recruiters/head-hunters or candidates may think that  sending a CV is enough but the truth is that a cover letter/email presentation makes the difference that can determine to get you in the selection process.

It is important to adapt your cover letter to each specific job offer, study the professional profile (job description), the company, sector and to cover all the requirements but adding that extra bit of personality.

Cover Letter Writing Services

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