LinkedIn: your professional profile and SEO optimization

//LinkedIn: your professional profile and SEO optimization

LinkedIn: your professional profile and SEO optimization

Como aplicas SEO para optimizar tu perfil en LinkedIn

LinkedIn has become an essential online platform for professional and executives profiles.

When a professional needs to complete his LinkedIn profile, most decisions made are  intuitive rather than objective. For this reason  if you want to provide a certain degree of objectivity to your LinkedIn profile it´s recommended to apply SEO techniques.

In November 2018 I prepared a webinar for EFPA, the European Financial Planning Association in Spain. In this post created for them I am gathering the main benefits and steps you can follow to apply SEO when you write your profile on LinkedIn- LinkedIn Search Optimization- LSO-.

If you want to find your right keywords, using SEO can help you to reach your objective.



By | 2018-12-11T18:46:50+00:00 November 27th, 2018|Categories: Media Blogging|Tags: , |0 Comments

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